A CIMPA research school on

Algebra, arithmetic and application

Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques,
Dangbo, Bénin
June, 12-24 2022




Introduction to algebraic groups

Part I: Central simple algebras and the Brauer group of a field
            Christian Maire

Part II: Quadratic and hermitian forms and algebras with involution
            Demba Barry

Part III: Linear algebraic groups
            Anne Queguiner-Mathieu
Analytical number theory and Diophantine approximation

Part I: Diophantine approximation
              Michel Waldschmidt

Part II: Arithmetic functions I
              Alain Togbe

Part III: Arithmetic functions II
               Florian Luca
Geometry of elliptic curves

Part I: Introduction to elliptic curves
               Francesco Pappalardi

Part II: Modular forms and elliptic curves
               Cécile Armana

Geometric methods in information theory

Part I: Curves over Finite Fields
               Elisa Lorenzo Garcia

Part II: Some Mathematics Underlying Public key Cryptography
               Tony Ezome